Five awesome facts about the Coast Guard
I used to be in the Coast Guard, and I’d always get a lot of questions whenever I’d walk around in uniform. Questions like “How long have you been in the Air Force?” and “What time does my train leave?” These were all important questions, of course, but I rarely had the answers. "Uh...sure." Sometimes, though, people would realize I was in the Coast Guard, and they’d ask me questions about that. Most of them were pretty basic – “Is the Coast Guard like the National Guard?” “Is it really a part of the military?” Others were more complex. “Do you deploy to Iraq?” “Do you literally just stand there and guard the coast all day?” Much like how the Air Force is literally just a force of air. To answer (some of) these questions, I decided to put together a quick list: FIVE AWESOME FACTS ABOUT THE COAST GUARD
This is a Brian-storming session